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Using his Megavision® Enterprise Futurising System®, Nicolas empowers companies to create billion-dollar disruptive reinvention
driving positive impact for people & the planet.

The magic of imagination. The science of disruption.

Nicolas is the global expert in
Megavision®, a specialised business futurising system he pioneered to guide CEOs & companies to visioneer, imagine & design tomorrow's disruptive & sustainable organisations and cultures.

THE MEGAVISION® SYSTEM he created to futurise companies and corporate leadership leverages Nicolas's track record of disruptive innovations and his expertise as an award-winning entrepreneur in building billion-dollar companies and brands like opodo.com, the travel start-up that reached €1.2 billion in sales.


Founder & Chief Disruption Officer
DESANTIS Megavision® Labs

Disruptive technology entrepreneur, author and strategic change agent for global brands, corporations and ventures.

Nicolas De Santis is the founder & CEO of DESANTIS MEGAVISION LABS® and the global expert in Megavision®, a systematic approach to envision, imagine and design the future of corporations. Nicolas is an award-winning tech entrepreneur behind high-profile start-ups such as Beenz.com (the first web digital currency) and opodo.com, the hugely successful European online travel company that disrupted Europe’s travel market, becoming a €1.5 billion revenue business. Nicolas sits on the boards of various international NGOs and public companies, including Ferroglobe (Nasdaq), a $2 billion enterprise and the largest silicon producer for advanced materials.


The Megavisionary Enterprise®

Megavision® is the world’s only Enterprise Futurising System® that revolutionises companies through Future Worldbuilding®. Pioneered by Nicolas De Santis, Megavision® empowers organizations to create billion-dollar disruptive opportunities while driving
positive impact for the planet.





MEGAVISION® is the Enterprise Futurising System® to design the disruptive companies of the future and superpower strategy, culture, brands and teams to create the billion-dollar opportunities that empower people and the planet.

Our upcoming book Megavision® | Visioneering the future to superpower your company, people and planet® by Nicolas De Santis, will be published in 2024. This handbook introduces MEGAVISION® as a new business system and discipline to visioneer the future of corporations. The book presents various novel and practical frameworks to strategically align the organisation with the external environment to create a positive future for the organisation and society, including the MegavisionOS® and GLOGO®, the Global Governance Monitoring System. The book will be available in printed and digital formats via Amazon and other leading booksellers.

Soon available on Amazon



Watch Nicolas explain how disruptive innovation is advancing sustainability at great speed.

Video (2m) of Nicolas De Santis, Tech Entrepreneur and Chief Disruption Officer of DESANTIS, discusses the importance of combining disruptive innovation and new business models to bring sustainable solutions to market faster to achieve a net positive planetary balance.


“Nicolas De Santis is the utmost expert in corporate visioneering.”

CNN – Richard Quest


“De Santis thinks about the future in a systematic way.”

Shares Magazine

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Management tools inventor

Nicolas has invented frameworks and business tools to support corporate visioneering and organizational and cultural innovation, including the MEGAVISION OS® and GLOGO®, a system to monitor how global governance and complexity impact the future of our planet. GLOGO® has been praised by Federico Mayor Zaragoza, former Secretary General of UNESCO, for its ability to improve governance and decision-making worldwide.

A new framework and paradigm to create and implement visionary change in corporations.

Nicolas has invented several visioning frameworks to monitor external forces and manage and innovate corporate vision and organisational culture. The MegavisionOS® tool is used to explore a company’s exponential future and co-create a visionary road-map, brand, culture and strategy that guarantees, shared purpose, business model innovation and sustainable leadership.

Global Governance Monitoring System.

GLOGO® is a unique framework to monitor global complexity and make sense of our interconnected world. GLOGO® anticipates future challenges and opportunities to reduce uncertainty, improve governance, advance sustainable development and maximise visionary leadership.

Watch Nicolas explain how space technologies and Mars colonisation create an off-world future for humanity.

Watch the video (2m) of Nicolas De Santis, Tech Entrepreneur & Chief Disruption Officer of DESANTIS, talking about what quintillion-dollar space economies and industries will mean for our interplanetary future.

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Global live show on Megavision®, technology, disruptive innovation and sustainability with Nicolas De Santis & guests.